
When is the best time to travel to Singapore

The weather in Singapore is perpetually hot and humid. The island is very close to the equator, which means it doesn’t experience four distinct seasons like Australia does. Rather, it goes through a ‘dry’ season (March to August) and a ‘wet’ season (September to February). Despite the wet/dry titles, you can actually expect some Singapore rainfall any day of the year – most often in the late afternoon. Many people consider late February to early April the best time to travel to Singapore. By visiting in these months, you’ll miss the heaviest rains of November, December, and January. You also won’t have to endure the hottest temperatures of May and June.

What is Summer like in Singapore?

The Singapore temperature peaks at about 35°C in May and June then remains intensely warm to the end of September. The high humidity makes it feel even hotter. If your holiday falls in these months, make the most of indoor activities and ensure you stay hydrated while exploring outdoor attractions like Singapore Zoo, Sentosa Island, and the Gardens by the Bay. Appropriate clothing: A t-shirt, shorts or a skirt, and comfortable walking shoes. Don't forget: Drink plenty of water.

What is Autumn like in Singapore?

Even as the year rolls towards what should be ‘winter', Singapore remains hot and humid. Temperatures will still stretch into the low 30s in October and November, and November also marks the start of the city's rainiest period. Try to schedule outdoor activities for mornings and early afternoons to avoid getting washed out by the predictable evening showers. Appropriate clothing: A t-shirt, shorts or a skirt, and comfortable walking shoes. Don't forget: Sunscreen – so you can make the most of sunny mornings without getting burnt.

What is Winter like in Singapore?

Singapore's winter technically runs from December to February, but the only thing cold about these months is the frequent rainfall. Temperatures still hover between 28°C and 32°C, while the regular showers only add to the humidity. Retreat to Singapore's many indoor attractions to escape the heat and the rain. Appropriate clothing: A t-shirt, shorts or a skirt, and comfortable walking shoes. Don't forget: A reliable umbrella.

What is Spring like in Singapore?

While there's not necessarily a best time to travel to Singapore, early spring is perhaps your best bet for avoiding the worst of the rain and the heat. The temperature is still high and the humidity will effect you if you don't rehydrate often. Visiting in April will also give you the chance to see the Singapore International Film Festival. Appropriate clothing: A t-shirt, shorts or a skirt, and comfortable walking shoes. Don't forget: Keep a water bottle on hand when venturing outside.