6 Travel Related Things to Tick Off at Home

3.36min read

Published 26 August 2021


Many favoured pastimes are still on hold for the short term, which is giving us the push we didn’t know we needed, to get a little more creative, look outside the box, and find new ways to think, feel and experience life. Every cloud has its silver lining, when life hands you lemons, hope against hope, and all that jazz.

So while travelling to new countries, returning to beloved cities and discovering new cultures and places (i.e. trying delicious new foods) are off the cards for the foreseeable future, there are alternative ways to experience some of those travel feels. As they (might) say somewhere spiritual like in India or Indonesia, if you can’t transport your body, transport your mind and soul. 

Temple in Bali, Indonesia
Temple in Bali, Indonesia. Image credit: Kharl Anthony Paica on Unsplash.

There are several methods of escapism that we can turn to, from immersing ourselves in ancient stories to getting jiggy with new dance moves on Tik Tok. But here are six that you can easily turn to in your own living room, or hopefully even a beach chair or hammock (within driving distance) sometime soon.

1. Cook

Everybody’s favourite part of discovering a new destination is discovering the local taste sensations (surely it’s not just us?). Whether it's a totally new meal like Peruvian ceviche, or just a new take on something you eat at home, like a local type of pasta. New tastes, flavours and ingredients can completely transport you.

Cook your way around the world!
Cook your way around the world! Image credit: Jimmy Dean on Unsplash.

Perhaps you could try an Italian, Indoensian or French recipe, or pick your next travel destination (the one place you want to go to after the pandemic!) and look for a traditional recipe from that country to make. Or maybe there is some delicious pastry or sweet treat you had somewhere once that you could aim to replicate. Whatever it is, cooking and eating will certainly transport your senses. Pop on a fun playlist or movie to suit the destination while you do it, to really solidify the experience!

Check out some of our international recipes like Mardis Gras Rainbow Cookies or French Crepes

French crepes with banana and chocolate sauce
French crepes with banana and chocolate sauce. Image credit: Delaney Van on Unsplash.

2. Language

Learning a language is not only a great way to pass the extra time you might find on your hands, but it also provides mental stimulation (a great form of brain training!) and one day when we can all travel afar once again, it will actually come in handy, unlike other newfound skills like those Tik Tok dance routines. 

And for some tips we prepared earlier, here are five ways to learn a new language from home.

Learn a new language from home
Learn a new language from home. Image credit: Getty Images.

3. Photo books & videos

If you’re anything like us, a photo book or trip collage is one of those things you vow to create upon your return home. A justification to pulling out the phone or camera at every opportunity; snapping those selfies and documenting each edible morsel. However, once the washing is done and the suitcase goes away, the plan for a photo book seems to get packed away with them.

Now that we’ve got a little more time on our hands, why not put together that travel book or video even, so that you can reminisce on travel memories while being productive. It’s a pretty good option when international travel is out of the question, and might even inspire your next trip.

Make your own travel photo book for past trip
Make your own travel photo book for past trips. Image credit: Sincerely Media on Unsplash.

4. Docos

Chances are you’ve ticked every drama, crime show and new series off your Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, Neon (we could go on) ‘to watch’ lists, and are possibly now seeking some more educational, more informative content. Documentaries are so accessible these days through these same streaming services, and honestly you could virtually travel to almost every country through them (may or may not know this from personal experience).

Some top ones to get stuck into are:
- Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown (all over)
- Sir David Attenborough: basically all of them, but we recommend ‘Seven Worlds One Planet’ his latest which took four years to produce (all over)
- Jiro Dreams of Sushi (Japan)
- Amanda Knox (Italy)
- Cheer (Florida, USA)
- Searching for Sugarman (South Africa)
- What Happened, Miss Simone? (USA)

Watch documentaries to discover all corners of the world
Watch documentaries to discover all corners of the world. Image credit: Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash.

​5. Read

Evocative travel books and novels set in a foreign place tick a lot of boxes for us right now; a healthy educational passtime, great paired with tea and current (windy wintery) weather, very affordable and, a way to scratch the travel itch. Which is a pretty good option right now! 

Transport yourself by reading a good travel book
Transport yourself by reading a good travel book. Image credit: Matias North on Unsplash.

6. Music

It’s a simple pleasure, listening to a favourite artist, album or playlist, and now more than ever, people are turning to music to add ambiance, set the mood or bring life to a space. Pair a good playlist with any of the above activities or more, and really take your iso-experience to the next level. Pop on some Mariachi beats while prepping for taco Tuesday, take yourself back to the streets of New York with some rap, enjoy a pinot and pasta, paired with some Pavarotti or press play on Van Morrison, crack a cold one and imagine you’re sitting on a yacht watching the sun go down.

Travel through music
Travel through music. Image credit: Mohammad Metri on Unsplash.


This blog was originally written for Flight Centre Australia. 

Top photo: Travel globe. Image credit: Photo by Slava on Unsplash.

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